Fyans Cottage Logo





Year: 2018
Series: The Lake District Collection
Designer: Kerry Goodwin
Shape: 393/5
Edition: 25
Signed: Underglaze

Who can resist the smell of a home-baked fish pie? A rather podgy black kitten certainly failed as he stretches his plump paws towards a fish tail protruding out of the crust. Interestingly, kittens are far more naughty that adult cats. They are without fear and are about to learn that not everyone in the big, wide world around them will be pleased at the pranks. Expect a kitten to be curious, rumbustious, and, let's face it, a bit of a handful. Dressed in breeches and pale blue trouser, the black kitten seems to have avoided the watchful eye of mama cat, now concentrating carefully on placing another precious fish pie into the oven in all her petticoats and frills. This may well be a mistake. Ovens, glass bottles, cupboards and mixing bowls have been added to provide insight into this little home
Size: 12.5cm
Price: $ 673.00

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